Code Next Program - Google

Looking for the tech leaders of the future? Look no further than the students of Code Next. Code Next is a free, Google-run computer science education program for Black and Latin X high schoolers. The program meets students in their own communities and provides skills and inspiration for long and rewarding careers in tech and computer science-related fields.

Role: Director / Producer / Editor

Q: When you combine social justice and coding, what do you get? A: Ninth grader Monse Franco, a member of Google's Code Next computer science education program.

Raymond Koratrang is a 10th-grade student from Harlem with a lot of passions: basketball, video games, and music. Through Google's Code Next program in New York City.

10th grader Elias Cruz, a member of Google's Code Next program in Oakland, doesn't see a lot of Latinos and Latinas in the tech world, but this artificial intelligence enthusiast is looking to change that trend—and he's not waiting until college to get started.

10th grader Naia Crump has been drawing since she was little. When she first stepped into Google New York's Code Next lab, she was a little intimidated, but this New Yorker is already shaping up to be the next great artist/entrepreneur/engineer — and she's not even 16 yet!


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